Build-Time Syntax Highlighting: Zero Client-Side JS, Support for 100+ Languages and Any VSCode Theme

Aug 24, 2022

Leverage VS Code's ecosystem to generate highly accurate syntax highlighting at build time. With zero performance cost and access to the entire VS Code theme catalog.

Animated Loading Skeletons with Tailwind CSS

Jul 18, 2022

Open Graph Images: Automatically Generate OG Images From Post Content

Jul 5, 2022

Use Cloudinary's generous free tier and flexible API to automatically generate a branded OG image for your blog posts.

Integrate MDX with a single tool and less boilerplate. Manage content with type-safe data and helper functions.

Apr 25, 2022

Effortlessly integrate MDX and manage content effectively. Validate and transform markdown posts into type-safe data your app can import.

Next 12.1: Regenerate a static page when its data changes

Feb 18, 2022

A quick demo of On-Demand Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR). Regenerate static pages without having to rebuild the entire site or having to wait for a specific revalidation interval.

6 Months as a Developer Advocate

Jan 20, 2022

A reflection on what it's being like working at Vercel as a Developer Advocate in the last few months

Interactive playgrounds with React

Dec 9, 2021
React Conf

How developers can leverage tools such as React and MDX to add more active learning experiences to docs and articles.

Getting Started with React.js

Oct 28, 2021
Next Conf

New to React? I'll briefly introduce JavaScript, and build on that foundation to explain the fundamentals of React.js. No prior experience is needed.

Getting Started with Next.js

Oct 28, 2021
Next Conf

New to Next.js? I'll explain the fundamentals of React, and build on that foundation to explain Next.js. No prior experience is needed.

How I Built the Portfolio That Landed Me a Dev Role (Tech Stack Explained)

Jul 20, 2021

How I built the portfolio that helped me land my first developer role at one of my dream companies.

How I Built My Site with Next.js

Jul 9, 2021

An overview of how I chose my stack, the resources that were helpful, and my design and content decisions.

Built with Next.js, MDX, Tailwind and Vercel